Carbon Steel Welding

Carbon steel, otherwise known as simply steel is one of the most popular metals used in metal fabrication. At E-A Enterprises we pride ourselves on making expertly crafted steel pieces for all kinds of customers.

What is Carbon Steel?

Steel is a catch-all term that includes a multitude of alloys and it is one of the most common types of metal in welding. There are multiple types and grades of steel which have different elements used to create the alloys but they are all primarily composed of iron and carbon in varying amounts. Most steel falls into one of two categories: carbon steel and stainless steel, and each category has its own strengths and popular applications. These applications include a wide variety of uses in both industrial and decorative areas.

Carbon steel has far less chromium compared to stainless steel and instead is usually primarily carbon and iron with few if any other elements. Carbon steel also normally has around 2-2.5% carbon. This composition means that carbon steel is susceptible to rust but it also gives this steel type its other benefits such as its cost and easy welding. Additionally the more carbon the steel contains the stronger it is making it incredibly versatile.

Strengths of Carbon Steel

Steel is one of the most popular materials in welding due to its many strengths. The wide variety of types and grades mean that it is versatile in its applications and strengths as well. Check out below to see the strengths of welding carbon steel.

Carbon steel also has many strengths including that it is less expensive than stainless steel. This is a major selling point for many people. Carbon steel is also strong and durable making it a popular choice for industrial projects and those that undergo a lot of stress and impact in their lifetime. Additionally, like stainless steel, carbon steel is recyclable making it an eco-friendly choice.

Welding Carbon Steel

Steel is well known for being one of the easiest and most popular metals to weld with. Here at E-A Enterprises we have been welding steel both carbon and stainless in projects of all kinds for decades.

Carbon steel is the easier of the two categories of steel to weld with and the less carbon it has the easier it is. This may help when a design requires more complicated shaping. However, the less carbon a steel has the weaker it is as well. We have experience in helping you choose the right level of carbon steel that will work for your project and in welding even the toughest of steels.

There are also many methods of welding all types of steel. These include stick welding also known as arc welding, gas metal arc welding (MIG welding), gas tungsten arc welding (TIG welding) and flux core welding. The good news is that when you work with us, you can have confidence we’ll use the right method for your project that will keep it sturdy and looking great.

What Projects Use Carbon Steel?

Steel isn't popular for just its cost, there are multiple types of projects it can be included in. These include:

  • Railings: Steel is often chosen as a material for railings because it is a less expensive option. It is found in pipe railings as an alternative to aluminum. Click here to take a look at some of our railings.

  • Architecture and Home Design: Steel has been used in architecture for many decades however the rise of modern design trends has meant it is often used for decoration within homes as well. We have experience in using steel in all kinds of ways from functional to decorative.

  • Grates: Steel is a popular material for grates due to its durability and affordability. Click here to see some of the grates we’ve made in different sizes and layouts.

Want to Get Started on a Steel Project?

E-A Enterprises is here to help you make your metal fabrication project a reality. Our experts have been welding with carbon steel for over 30 years making railings and grates and our top-of-the-line warehouse can develop projects of any size. If you’re in the central Maryland area, give us a call or use our online quote tool today to get started on your project.